Emoji Mobile Menu = Icon
1. Plugin Info
Replace the default burger menu icon with an emoji (or other text).
Works with Squarespace 7.1
Uses Custom CSS
2. Add this code to Custom CSS
// Replace = Icon With Text - Ghost // @menu-icon-text-closed: "👋"; @menu-icon-text-closed-color: #fff; @menu-icon-text-open: "😁"; @menu-icon-text-open-color: #fff; @menu-icon-text-size: 30px; @menu-icon-text-weight: normal; @menu-icon-font-family: inherit; @menu-icon-text-width: 20px; @menu-icon-text-height: 20px; /* --- Do Not Edit Below ---- */ .burger-box:after { content: @menu-icon-text-closed; text-align: right; font-size: @menu-icon-text-size; color: @menu-icon-text-closed-color; display: block !important; } .header--menu-open .burger-box:after { content: @menu-icon-text-open; color: @menu-icon-text-open-color; } .burger-box { width: @menu-icon-text-width !important; height: @menu-icon-text-height !important; } .burger-box div { display: none; } // Replace = Icon With Text - Ghost //
3. Customizable Options
Emoji or Text (Menu Closed)
Emoji or Text (Menu Open)
Text Color, Weight, Font Family
Text Container Width and Height
4. Plugin Notes
No notes.