Newsletter Block - Full Width Field and Button

1. Plugin Info

Make the newsletter block full width on both desktop and mobile.

  • Works with Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1

  • Uses Custom CSS

2. Add this code to Custom CSS

// Newsletter Block - Full Width Field and Button - Ghost //

.newsletter-block .newsletter-form-button-wrapper, .newsletter-block .newsletter-form-button, .newsletter-block .newsletter-form-fields-wrapper, .newsletter-block .newsletter-form-field-wrapper, .newsletter-block .newsletter-form-wrapper--layoutStack .newsletter-form-field-wrapper, .newsletter-block .newsletter-form-wrapper--layoutStack .newsletter-form-name-fieldset {
    width: 100% !important;
    max-width: 100%;
    display: block !important;

3. Customizable Options

  • No customizable options

4. Plugin Notes

  • Applies to both the name and email fields and button.

  • Compatible with both Stacked and Float settings.


Newsletter Block - Super Pill Style


Vertical Navigation - Solid Version