Video Block - Super Simple Style

1. Plugin Info

Add a more simple style to the video block when using an uploaded file.

  • Works with Squarespace 7.1

  • Uses Custom CSS

2. Add this code to Custom CSS

// Video Block (File Uploaded) - Super Simple Style - Ghost //

@simple-vid-border: 1px solid #000;
@simple-vid-border-radius: 5px;

@simple-vid-play-background: #fff;
@simple-vid-play-icon-color: #000;
@simple-vid-play-border: 1px solid #000;
@simple-vid-play-padding: 50px;

/* ---- Do Not Edit Below ---- */ .plyr--video .plyr__control--overlaid { background: @simple-vid-play-background !important; color: @simple-vid-play-icon-color !important; border: @simple-vid-play-border; padding: @simple-vid-play-padding !important; } .video-player .plyr { border: @simple-vid-border; border-radius: @simple-vid-border-radius; } .video-player .plyr .plyr__controls:before { background-image: none !important; }

// Video Block (File Uploaded) - Super Simple Style - Ghost //

3. Customizable Options

  • Video Block Border Style

  • Video Block Border Radius

  • Play Button Background Color

  • Play Button Icon Color

  • Play Button Border Style

  • Play Button Padding

4. Plugin Notes

  • Only compatible with the Video Block

  • Upload a solid color thumbnail for a simple look

  • Requires video to be an uploaded file


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Video Block - Simple Play Button Style