Related Products

Related Products Selectors

Use these selectors to target related products elements.

  • Selectors work with Squarespace 7.1

  • Knowing the basics of CSS is recommended

Helpful starting points: Visit the free plugin library for pre-applied styles and helpful starting points for customizations.

Related Product Container

.products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-item

Related Title (You Might Also…)

.ProductItem .ProductItem-related-label

Product Image

.tweak-products-image-aspect-ratio-11-square .products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-image-wrapper

Text Content Container

.tweak-products-text-alignment-middle .products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-meta-wrapper

Product Title

.products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-main-meta .grid-title

Product Price

.products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-main-meta .product-price

Sale Text


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