Slashy Navigation
1. Plugin Info
Add a slash (or a different character) in between each link in the navigation.
Works with Squarespace 7.1
Uses Custom CSS
2. Add this code to Custom CSS
// Slashy Navigation - Ghost // @slashy-character: " / "; @slashy-color: #000; @slashy-spacing: 10px; /* --- Do Not Edit Below ---- */ .header-nav-item a:after { content: @slashy-character; margin-left: @slashy-spacing; color: @slashy-color; } .header-nav-item:last-child a:after { content: ""; } .header-nav .header-nav-item--folder .header-nav-folder-content .header-nav-folder-item a:after { content: "" !important; } .header-nav-item--active a { background-image: none !important; } // Slashy Navigation - Ghost //
3. Customizable Options
Change Slash
The slash inherits its font style from Squarespace navigation font settings.
4. Plugin Notes
Does not apply to folders or mobile navigation.